23 Things Poor People WASTE Money On (stop bad spending habits...)

23 Things Poor People WASTE Money On (stop bad spending habits...)

FREE! Download 7 Millionaire Business Model Blueprints - https://wealthbuildermasterclass.com Have you ever wondered why some people stay stuck in a cycle of poverty while others break free and build wealth? It’s not always about how much money you make, but what you do with it. Shockingly, even those with limited income often waste money on things that keep them from getting ahead. Worse still, many of these expenses are things we’ve been conditioned to think are normal, or even necessary! But are they really? Wealth Builders, today we’re diving into the 23 things poor people waste their money on—things that could be holding you back from achieving financial freedom. From everyday habits to big decisions, we’re going to uncover the spending traps that keep people broke, and how you can avoid them. 00:00 Introduction to Bad Spending Habits 01:16 Bad Money Habit #1: Lottery Tickets 01:55 Bad Money Habit #2: Designer Clothing 02:37 Bad Money Habit #3: Impulsive Online Shopping 03:16 Bad Money Habit #4: Vaping or Smoking 03:55 Bad Money Habit #5: Buying Coffee 04:31 Bad Money Habit #6: Eating Out 05:09 Bad Money Habit #7: Takeout Meals 05:46 Bad Money Habit #8: Luxury Cars 06:24 Bad Money Habit #9: Expensive Car Leases 07:06 Bad Money Habit #10: Uber and Lyft Rides 07:39 Bad Money Habit #11: Going Out 08:12 Bad Money Habit #12: Concert or Event Tickets 08:43 Bad Money Habit #13: Gym Memberships 09:22 Bad Money Habit #14: Unplanned Travel 09:58 Bad Money Habit #15: Gadget Upgrades 10:34 Bad Money Habit #16: Cable Packages 11:13 Bad Money Habit #17: Home Decor 11:43 Bad Money Habit #18: Pet Products 12:11 Bad Money Habit #19: Holiday Decorations 12:44 Bad Money Habit #20: Unnecessary Gifts for Others 13:18 Bad Money Habit #21: Credit Card Debt 14:00 Bad Money Habit #22: Unnecessary Bank Fees 14:27 Bad Money Habit #23: Personal & Payday Loans 16:43 Test Your Knowledge Take the Quiz! #spendinghabits #spending #finance #financialwisdom #financialeducation #wbmc #wealth #wealthbuilding #wealthcreation #wealthyhabits #wealthmindset #wealthymindset #wealthylife