How to create 2nd character in GTA Online or delete one - keep or lose current cash and level

How to create 2nd character in GTA Online or delete one - keep or lose current cash and level

If you're looking to create a second character in GTA Online, this is how you do it also how start from zero both in terms of level and in cash or to keep you existing levels in a new character. Please subscribe, comment and like to keep the new videos coming - it really helps my channel with the YouTube algorithm! For more walkthroughs and fun and games, please visit Listen to my music Did you know I also make music as ‘Best Kept Chilled’? Please listen to my new album ‘Ambient journey into spaced’ in all the usual stores, including: Spotify: Apple Music: YouTube:    • Space   Get GTA gear, gaming gear and other stuff (& support the channel) on our Amazon store: Follow That on Instagram at   /   Follow That on Twitter at   / followthatapp