Test your English B1 Intermediate #learnenglish #practiceenglish

Test your English B1 Intermediate #learnenglish #practiceenglish

Out now: my new English beginner level comprehensible input course! Purchase directly with PayPal or stripe https://english-after-hours.coursify.me/ If your bank does not support these payment methods then please email me for direct access [email protected] Beginner course includes: 10 comprehensible input videos Pictures, gestures, stories Practice listening, speaking and writing Unlimited access forever Watch videos when and however you like Ask questions, answered by me No advertising This video helps you to learn English in an easy and understandable way through comprehensible input. Watch this video to improve your English I am an English teacher and I use comprehensible input to help you to learn English. Listen to this video and you will naturally pick up new English vocabulary new English grammar structures and conversation ideas. This is simple and beginner English. You do not need to understand every word but just the context. Comprehensible input is a natural way of learning a language is how children learn a language. You can also use this video as an English podcast as you can listen and learn. This is an easy way to learn English naturally without the need of translations. It is similar to how a child learn their mother tongue which I believe is the best way to learn. Thankyou for learning English with me. 😃 In this video, I teach you English as i describe what i am doing, use emojis, pictures and I tell simp storie😎💞 Trial English lesson with me for €7 If you need any help with one-to-one English tutoring then I provide private English lessons if you’re interested please click my link or email me: [email protected] https://rebeccaxkzr.setmore.com/rebecca Your subscription and views is more than enough support but if I’ve helped you in anyway and you would like to tip me you can buy me a coffee below: https://buymeacoffee.com/englishaftd