[I'm LIVE] RPR(레게 강 같은 평화) & Don't Laugh(웃지마)

[I'm LIVE] RPR(레게 강 같은 평화) & Don't Laugh(웃지마)

Musician Introduction & I'm LIVE Epsode I'm LIVE releases some of the unaired performances for two weeks! Part 1 is composed of "I Like Her" by Melomance, "Just The Two of Us" by DAVICHI, "Gurumi" by Se So Neon, "Don't Laugh" by Reggae Peace Like a River, better known as RPR, and "Oriental Girl" by The KOXX. Tune in to I'm LIVE this week to enjoy the ultimate mixture of music and fun! Visit 'I'm Live' Official Pages   / imlive.arirang     / imlive_arirang     / imlive_arirang__alver__   ------------------------------------------------------------ [Subscribe Arirang Official YouTube] ARIRANG TV:    / arirang   ARIRANG RADIO:    / music180arirang   ARIRANG NEWS:    / arirangnews   ARIRANG K-POP:    / arirangworld   ARIRANG ISSUE:    / arirangtoday   ARIRANG CULTURE:    / arirangkorean   ARIRANG FOOD & TRAVEL :    / arirangfoodtravel   ------------------------------------------------------------ [Visit Arirang TV Official Pages] Facebook:   / arirangtv   Twitter:   / arirangworld   Instagram:   / arirangworld   Homepage: http://www.arirang.com ------------------------------------------------------------ [Arirang K-Pop] YouTube:    / arirangworld   Facebook:   / arirangkpop   Google+: http://plus.google.com/+arirangworld