#976-1 Curry Rice Bowl - 카레덮밥

#976-1 Curry Rice Bowl - 카레덮밥

Curry Rice Bowl 카레덮밥: 고기를 더 맛있게 키위의 요리세상 Kiwi’s Cooking Show ○ 채널구독 / Subscribe ▶︎ Simple and easy recipe with Simple ingredients such as Egg, Flour and Potato & Onion Delicious and various food made with chicken, pork and beef meat Here are Tasty Cake/Pancake Scrambled Egg Dessert Fried Rice & Rice Bowl Drink Pasta/Noodle Bread Soup/Stew Cooking Tips Thousands of recipes here! Cuisine of Korean Chinese Japanese French American Arabic Etc 한국 / 중국 / 일본 / 유럽 / 아메리카 / 아랍 등 세계의 다양한 음식들 누구나 쉽고 간단하게 할 수 있어요 :) ● Dessert - 디저트 - 甜點 - デザート ● Fried Rice - 볶음밥 - 炒飯 - チャーハン ● Rice Bowl (Donburi) / Bibimbap - 덮밥 / 비빔밥 - 碗 - 丼 ● Pancake - 전 - 煎餅 - パンケーキ ▶︎ ● Pasta - 면 - 麵 - 麺 ● Bread / Cake - 빵 / 케익 - 面包 / 蛋糕 - パン / ケーキ ● Drink - 음료 - 飮料 - 飲料 Hello, Welcome to Anyonecanmake's channel ;) It's Kiwi! I'm living in South Korea and make easy Korean foods and yummy dessert, etc Get involved and subscribe for the latest! Big love