Zhou Dim Active Review- Does DIM Cause Any Side Effects?
Read the full article: https://acnesupplementscritic.com/zho... Best estrogen blocker in the US: http://estrohalt.net DIM Active by Zhou Nutrition is promoted for estrogen and menopause balance support. Do the ingredients work or can they cause side effects? Some customers bought this product because of the price compared to other companies. We found that Estrohalt is a better choice because it costs less and has better ingredients as well. DIM Active also comes in capsule form which can't be broken in half if the dose is too strong. DIM can cause side effects such as headaches, nausea, and joint pain if the dose is too high. Reviews on Amazon have said that the product is as described. There are also others who mentioned side effects such as body aches, chills, acne, and hives. We think it could be a product to try, but we recommend Estrohalt for it's ingredients, no harmful fillers, and the dose can be tailored if you feel it is strong.