Shifting to Prosperity | Leaving Poverty, Homelessness, Unsettled Mind, etc. Subliminal

Shifting to Prosperity | Leaving Poverty, Homelessness, Unsettled Mind, etc. Subliminal

Are you dealing with homelessness, unemployment, under employment, a pessimistic mindset, or would like a major overall life change? Release your old ways of thinking and doing things immediately. Shift out of having little or nothing, to prosperity in every area of your life! Set your intention(s). Listen to this sub with or without headphones at a normal volume. Repeat at least twice (although the more listens, the greater the results). Drink tons of water. Lastly, KNOW that you will receive desired outcome. I am a new channel. I am grateful if you Like, Share, and Subscribe to contribute to the growth of my channel. Good Luck! Thanks for Watching!! Donations are greatly appreciated. Cash App- $IAmHighVibes Affirmations: Today is the start of a new and beautiful beginning for me I accept and receive necessary changes and improvements within my life I am grateful to leave a poverty mindset behind and develop a success mentality Any and all generational curses that have plagued my family, ends right now I love this new way of thinking and living Everything that my heart’s desire is mine I release anything and anyone not serving me for my greater good I am extremely happy and grateful to have and maintain stability in every area of my life I am happy and grateful to earn an honest living doing what I love, and above my income expectations My mind is rich and so is my heart Love and blessings of all kinds seem to find me continuously All that has happened in my life has made me a stronger person I am blessed and highly favored, right now I am grateful to be in a place of stability that allows me to secure my loved ones and my future It feels incredible to wake up and have options in life I’m so grateful to have my own safe and stable home to live at It feels great to rest and relax whenever I choose to The right people are in my corner and supporting me every step of my journey Life is all about lessons, and I have taken from my experiences the lessons meant to be learned There’s every reason in the world for me to have a calm mind Everything is going exceptionally great for me in life Happiness is overwhelmingly taking over my entire being in this moment Moving forward is the direction I choose to travel in I am grateful for the fact that I’ve laid past negative traits, behaviors, and experiences to rest I initiate the challenge of doing and being greater than who I was last year at this time With each challenge to evolve, I succeed victoriously My thought process has changed for the best, and continues to improve Each moment that passes, I’m presented with a new opportunity With every new day, I’m counting a new blessing I am grateful to be at a point in my life where I can afford everything I desire I’ve cleared my mind and heart of toxicity, allowing prosperity to flowing into my life Abundance of favor is mine right now I’m grateful to see life through the eyes of a prosperous individual, loved by the divine