From the Orion Wars to the New Earth: Part 4 | Aboriginal Life, Mushroom Sam, New Earth | QHHT
This video is an excerpt from an in-person Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) session, a technique developed by the late Dolores Cannon. The session is facilitated by Doria Penciuc with Sandy MacGillivray, with a few private dialogs taken out, due to confidentiality. If you'd like to have your own quantum healing session, you can book one on my website: https://www.therememberingjourney.com To support more content like this, you can donate at: https://www.therememberingjourney.com... The session includes topics related to: The life of an aboriginal shaman in the Outback. Living in perfect freedom and harmony. Awareness of lay lines and powerful healing energy vortices. Energy healing for humans, animals and plants. Healings supported by the higher realms, appearing as orbs of light. Connection with the ancestors. Ancestral healing. Full awareness. Invoking rains through ceremonies. Complete connection. Interconnection. Unity. Mushroom people in a pine forest fairy land. Looking to find a balance with humans, but being moved out of their homes. Being able to access 5D in the current life and vibration. Sam shows how to use imagination to manifest. Desert people show how to consult with the ancestors and to bring in those who are not in physical form to help with daily lives. All these New Earth modalities are available now, vibrationally very close. All the damage done to the Earth is reversible. There is a version of Earth that is the reversal: the New Earth. There are places on Earth that overlap vibrationally with the New Earth. Imagining the New Earth and then working with the Higher Self in this lifetime will take you there. April Eclipse as a burst of light coming from the Central Sun. Entities and what happens in clearing sessions, when dealing with entities. The best way to handle entities is to remind them that they, too, have a spark within themselves, and help them find that light within, and the connection to their Higher Self. This way everyone gets healed. April 2024 Eclipse channeling higher light from the Central Sun. An angel messenger coming to Earth before the April 2024 eclipse, to give a message that the mind has been ignoring. A lot of my clients have never had previous lives on Earth and they are coming from all dimensions and all places of light, including directly from Source, so that they can witness this incredible time in Earth's history and seed more light! There is so much help 💗 It is quite extraordinary! As a hypnotist and hypnotherapist, intuition coach, subconscious mentor and energy healing, I am passionate about one thing: helping you remember who you really are. All the tools that I use are to help you find all your answers within yourself. Find me on: / doriapenciuc / doriapenciuc.official Sandy: / @sandmanchannels3461 / sandmanchannels #doriapenciuc #therememberingjourney #qhht #dolorescannon #quantumhealing #quantumhealinghypnosistechnique #hypnosis #healing #pastlives #remembering #goldenage #newearth #awakening #spiritualawakening #spiritualgrowth #galacticconflict #orion #part4 #quantum #higherself #higherconsciousness #aboriginal #ancestral #ancestralhealing #fairy #entity