You Win Some, You Lose Some (Russian Consulate) | Tom Clancy's The Division - SHD 105
🏃 Try Havoc Energy today! https://tryhavocenergy.com/discount/i... Use Discount Code "InAweGaming" For 10% Off! Russian Consulate is the last remaining medical mission in the game. 🎶 Song Credits "Atlantis Rage" by Jimena Contreras "Alpha Mission" by Jimena Contreras Want to help support the channel? 🏃 Havoc Energy: Use Discount Code "InAweGaming" For 10% Off! https://tryhavocenergy.com/discount/i... ✅ Subscribe, Like, Comment, Follow, Share 🎮 Nexus Game Store: https://www.nexus.gg/inawegaming 💰 Want To Leave A Tip?: https://streamelements.com/inawegamin... Are you following me on social media? 🌴 Linktree: https://linktr.ee/InAweGaming 📺 YouTube: / @inawegaming ✖️ Twitter: / inawegaming 👍 Facebook: / inawegaming 📷 Instagram: / inawegaming 📱 TikTok: / inawegaming 💬 Mastodon: https://mastodon.social/@inawegaming 🎬 Video Chapters 00:00 | Last Episode Recap 01:13 | Trekking To The Final Medical Mission 08:13 | Russian Consulate (Main Mission) - Part 1 17:40 | Sponsor: Use Discount Code "InAweGaming" For 10% Off! 17:49 | Russian Consulate (Main Mission) - Part 2 #TheDivision #Walkthrough #LetsPlay #Gameplay #InAwe