BALL PiT PARK!!  Ultimate obstacle course challenge with Adley & Niko! playing Hide N Seek inside

BALL PiT PARK!! Ultimate obstacle course challenge with Adley & Niko! playing Hide N Seek inside

Family games in a Trampoline Park!!!! LET'S BE FRIENDS -- HEY EVERYBODY!! We did something crazy again!! We went to one of our favorite play places and we got the whole thing to ourselves so that we could do a huge obstacle course with my whole family!! We have been really safe since the sickness has been around and we wanted to do something fun that was also safe! So we called our friends at Urban Air and they say they clean their park every day really well so we felt safe to go there! There are so many fun things to do! We first played hide n seek where me and Niko were hiding from dad, then we played pretend with some dodgeballs like they were dinosaur eggs, then we climbed a HUGE tower and I made it all the way to the top! And after all that fun we went and got some ice cream! I got pineapple flavored with lots of fruit and toppings! I had so much fun today! my last video-    • SNEAKiNG EGGS inside Dads Work!!  Adl...   my dad's last video-    • NAVEY slides her FiRST SLiDE!!  it’s ...   Bye vlog pshhhhh