Ash Wednesday with Foundry UMC 3/2/2022 7pm CCLI 2668115
Welcome to Sunday worship with Foundry UMC. Here are some helpful links: Download the Worship Guide: https://foundryumc.org/worshipguide Sunday Worship with ASL interpretation: https://www.foundryumc.org/asl First-time Visitors Check-In: https://foundryumc.org/guest Worship Check-In: https://foundryumc.org/checkin Giving Link: https://www.foundryumc.org/give Support Foundry’s Greatest Need Fund: https://www.foundryumc.org/give Prayer Request Form: https://www.foundryumc.org/prayer 0:00 Prelude - "Kyrie Eleison" J.S. Bach 4:03 Welcome and Call to Worship 6:03 Hymn - TFWS#2128 "Come and Find the Quiet Center" 8:36 Invitations and Prayer 11:36 Scripture Reading - Joel 1;1-2, 12-17 14:35 Sung Response - UMH#379 "Blow Ye the Trumpet, Blow" 16:03 Gospel Lesson - Mark 6;1-6, 16-21 19:06 Anthem - "God So Loved the World" Stanier 23:17 Meditation - "Re-Turning" Rev. Ginger E. Gaines-Cirelli 42:34 Imposition of the Ashes 51:23 Psalter - UMH#785 Psalm 51;1-17 57:25 Offertory - UMH#417 "O For a Heart to Praise my God" 1:01:21 Hymn - UMH#400 "Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing" 1:03:41 Closing and Benediction 1:04:30 Postlude - "Kyrie Eleison" J.S. Bach