Easy German for Beginners: Lesson 5 - Basics (comprehensible input) - days of the week, count to 60

Easy German for Beginners: Lesson 5 - Basics (comprehensible input) - days of the week, count to 60

Hi, this is part 5 of an easy German tutorial. The lesson (after the intro) is completely held in German. But don't worry, even if you don't speak a word of German you will understand me. I use body language and context to make you understand. (Natural approach with comprehensible input) But understanding is not remembering. So you might have to watch the video a couple of times. This is why I divided it into segments, so you can easily skip to the part you need to repeat. Please tell me if something is too hard to understand for you. I am trying to make a video to help people learn, so feedback is essential. You can turn on subtitles and translate what I see if you absolutely must. Have fun Chapters: 00:00 Introduction 0:16 New words 1:26 Repetition 2:34 Days of the week 3:59 Numbers 15-60 5:24 Easy calculations