How to resolve a dropped or Pending or Stuck Transactions in Metamask using Custom Nonce

How to resolve a dropped or Pending or Stuck Transactions in Metamask using Custom Nonce

How to resolve a Stuck Transactions in Metamask using Custom Nonce: use this method if your transaction is still stuck after increasing gas fee several times, stuck because the gas fee set does not match the current gas fee, either too low or too high. Find the Nonce of the last transaction you made 1. Copy your wallet address (Click on it in the MetaMask main screen to copy) 2. Go to and paste in your wallet address in the search bar. 3. Find your LATEST completed transaction, check all the tabs as it may not be on the first tab. 4. Scroll down and find the Nonce of that transaction. It will be a number like 35. 5. Please go to MetaMask settings, Advanced, enable "Set custom nonce". Next we will make a transaction using the next nonce in line. We will just send 0 Matic to ourselves, as a basic test transaction. 1. Copy your wallet address again 2. Then press SEND, paste in your own wallet address, and leave it on 0 MATIC. 3. Press next, and edit the gas fee. Set both numbers to 500 GWEI. 4. It should also have a new field for NONCE, please set that to the next number in order If you don't see this field, please quit your browser or MetaMask app and reload. 5. Then confirm the transaction. ________________________________________________________________________ About Kommunitas Kommunitas is a decentralized and tier-less Launchpad. Kommunitas is the solution for Multi Chain oriented projects. Kommunitas welcomes project from various blockchain like Polygon, BSC, Ethereum, Avalance, Solana, etc. Not only a Launchpad, Kommunitas also offers project a wide variety range of funding, starting from Private round, Strategic Round, and we also offer list of marketing service that can boost a project’s popularity. Kommunitas is ready to serve a project from community management to those related to graphic design and content creation. Kommunitas firmly believe that with its connection to dozens of regional crypto communities and influencers, as well as several blockchain companies and Capital Funds / VCs, Kommunitas can help to boost a project exposure in a short period of time. Get to know us better on website, docs and official links Follow us: #IKO #InitialKOMmunityOffering #ICO #IDO #IEO #metamasktutorial #metamask #polygonlaunchpad #cryptolaunchpad #ethereumlaunchpad #polygonchain #bitcoinlaunchpad #maticlaunchpad #komtoken #kom #kommunitas #kommunitasnet #kommunitastoken #maticmainnet #staking #stakingkomtoken #stakingtoken #tierless