Resident Evil 4 (2005) Walkthrough Part 6: Escaping The Village (Bitores Mendez Boss Fight)
After being left by Luis, Leon and Ashley leave the house recently sieged by the villagers and find another message from Mendez in which it is revealed that Los Illuminados were responsible for shooting down the extraction helicopter and that the last line of defense has been set up to prevent Leon and Ashley from escaping the village in the form of a large fort-like construction filled with insane, parasitized villagers on one side and a passage guarded by El Gigante on the other side, believing that taking either route will guarantee Leon's death. As those paths are the only ones available, Leon decides to take himself and Ashley through villagers' fortress, facing parasitized twins armed with chainsaws from whom he steals a key needed to leave the fortress. However, on the very exit from the village, Leon discovers the final note left by Mendez in which he, having realized that his plan to get rid of Leon has failed and that he just may succed in his mission, reveals that he took shelter in the nearby abottoire where he intends to personally face Leon, revealing that "only his sight can unlock the door to the village". With no other choice, Leon and Ashley make their way to the abottoire with Ashley being left outside while Leon enters to find Mendez who gets a drop on Leon and knocks him to the ground before twisting the handles of the abottoire's door, effectively trapping both himself and Leon in the building. In the ensuing physical fight, Leon manages to knock over a barrel of gasoline at Mendez's feet and shoot at it, causing it to ignite and explode. However, instead of killing Mendez, explosion forces his body to undergo a horrific mutation as the parasite within his body forces its way out, transforming Mendez into a grotesque, towering creature that Leon is forced to engage in a fight within the burning abottoire, eventually managing to kill him. As Mendez dies, a fake eye falls out of his eye socket, revealing it to be a key needed to leave the village. Upon collecting it and leaving the burning building, Leon collects Ashley and takes her back to the village exit, finally managing to unlock it using Mendez's fake eye. However, as they leave, Leon and Ashley are ambushed by more villagers who start pursuing them, forcing them to hide in an castle near the village enterance...