How to Get Rid of Thrips (4 Easy Steps)
https://bit.ly/Thrips-Control-Guide Click the link to learn more about thrips and shop the professional-grade products featured in this video! Shop for Dominion 2L Insecticide here! https://bit.ly/3e3BWZR Shop for a Reclaim IT Insecticide here! https://bit.ly/3k8c57b Shop for a 1-Gallon Handheld Pump Sprayer here! https://bit.ly/3qZtVud --- Want to skip ahead? Introduction: 0:00 Step 1: Identification: 0:40 Step 2: Inspection: 1:25 Step 3: Treatment: 2:41 Step 4: Prevention: 5:16 --- Thrips are tiny insects, with most pest species growing up to 1/20 of an inch, or close to 1 mm in length. Magnification is often needed to look at thrips closer in detail. There are some thrips that are known to grow up to 5mm, however. When seen up close, most adult thrips will have narrow and frayed wings, although there are some that lack these. Body colors and patterns will vary depending on species, but colors typically include yellow, brown, black, white, or translucent. Larvae are typically pale green. If you suspect thrip activity, check your indoor and outdoor plants closely for signs of damage. Look for lighter, silvery or bleached spots on the affected plant. These spots are often accompanied by several black markings where the thrips have left their droppings. You may also be able to see mature thrips or their larvae, depending on the size of the pests and the contrast of their body color against the plant. If you’ve found one plant infested with pest thrips, be sure to check all nearby plants to confirm the spread of the infestation. Be careful when inspecting for thrips, as they can bite humans and cause irritation. To get rid of thrips from your garden or houseplants, you’ll need to use an insecticide that’s labeled to control thrips. Since both adult and juvenile thrips feed on plant leaves, it makes sense to use an insecticide like Dominion 2L. However, keep in mind that Dominion 2L is only labeled for the suppression of Thrips, so it may not treat an infestation entirely. Instead, we recommend you use Reclaim I/T. Reclaim IT is a bifenthrin-based insecticide concentrate that is labeled to control over 70 different pests, including thrips. To prevent damage from thrips, it’s best to be diligent in monitoring your plants, checking for activity, and treating your plants when necessary. Note the health of your plants, and when something doesn’t seem right, address the problem as soon as possible. If leaves have become too wilted from pest activity, it may be best to prune the affected foliage. This not only reduces harboring sites, but it will also prevent disease from possibly spreading. If you’re physically removing thrips from your plants, remember to repeat the process once every few days until all activity has ceased. Finally, be sure to make follow-up treatments of Reclaim IT every 3 months for year-round control. Click the link to learn more about thrips and shop the professional-grade products featured in this video! https://bit.ly/Thrips-Control-Guide Thanks for watching! #diypestcontrol #solutionspestandlawn #diygardening