[힐링] 양희은(Yang Hee-eun)의 여행, 낯선 길에서 얻은 새로운 감정 김제동의 톡투유2 14회
남편 칠순 기념 여행으로 찾은 아이슬란드 낯선 길에서 느낀 새로운 감정들 평범한 일상에서 벗어난 작은 힐링 Please enter subtitle of this video in your own language Anybody can enter subtitle by referring to existing English subtitle You can make viewers all over the world pleased with your subtitle Please click below link if you are interested in participating with subtitle ◎ SUBTITLE SUBMITTING TUTORIAL ✍ Contribute closed captions and subtitles ☞ ▶ "JTBC Youtube channel communicating with fans faster" View more videos & informations ☞ 📢 Homepage : 📢 Youtube : 📢 Facebook : 📢 Twitter : 📢 INSTAGRAM :