Black Ops 6 Veteran | No Damage (Full Game)

Black Ops 6 Veteran | No Damage (Full Game)

Make sure to like and subscribe if you enjoyed! And please leave a comment or feedback. I read it all. This run took great amounts of effort to make quickly, so I'd appreciate any support. I am happy to report that this campaign is great and you should play it! This run is not a single segment. 0:00:00 Bishop Takes Rook 0:16:04 Safehouse 0:29:30 Blood Feud 0:49:33 Most Wanted 1:33:28 Hunting Season 1:47:34 The Cradle 2:06:22 Emergence 2:49:32 High Rollers 3:25:30 Ground Control 3:51:11 Under The Radar 4:20:55 Seperation Anxiety 4:37:46 Checkmate 4:44:09 Seperation Anxiety: Lies 4:54:19 Checkmate: Detonation 5:05:30 Seperation Anxiety: Truth 5:11:31 Checkmate: Black Sea 5:22:09 Credits The No Damage aspect was a little harder than the ones of recent years, especially the dream parts while playing as Jane Harrow, see previous video on the channel. I did exclude vehicle sections once again (Bike chase in Most Wanted, Helicopter flight in Under The Radar, Heli flight in Separation Anxiety Truth). Luckily the open world mission can be skipped by shooting rocket launchers lol. I thought about doing no upgrade as well, but if you don't buy the "damage against armored enemies" upgrade, then you have to hit them with 4-5 magazines which is just silly. This was played on a PS5 using a regular controller, Elgato HDX for recording. I had to stick to 1080p, I will make single videos with 1440-60fps, because rendering takes too long otherwise. Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Veteran/No Damage (Full Game) Black Ops 6 Veteran/No Damage (Full Game) #blackops6 #callofduty #callofdutyveteran Keywords 1: Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Veteran Walkthrough, Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Campaign Walkthrough, Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Veteran, Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Veteran No Damage, Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Gameplay, Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Campaign, Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Campaign Gameplay, Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Campaign Gameplay PS5, Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Walkthrough, Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Guide, Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Emergence, Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Zombies, Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Zombies Gameplay, Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Piano, call of duty bo6 campaign, call of duty bo6 gameplay, call of duty bo6 review, call of duty bo6 zombies, call of duty bo6 zombies gameplay, bo6 gameplay, bo6 campaign, bo6 review, bo6 zombies , bo6 zombies gameplay bo6 countdown, black ops 6 gameplay, black ops 6 campaign, black ops 6 best weapons, black ops 6 zombies gameplay, cod bo6 zombies, cod bo6 gameplay. cod bo6 review cod bo6 ending, cod black ops 6 gameplay, cod black ops 6 campaing, cod black ops 6 zombies, cod black ops 6 zombies gameplay, cod black ops 6 review, black ops vi, cod bo vi, Black Ops 6 Campaign, Black Ops 6 Veteran, Black Ops 6 Walkthrough, Black Ops 6 trailer, Black Ops 6 review, Black Ops 6 gameplay, Black Ops 6 zombies, Black Ops 6 Kampagne, Black Ops 6 deutsch Keywords 2: modern warfare 3,modern warfare 3 gameplay,modern warfare 3 campaign gameplay,modern warfare 2,modern warfare 3 campaign,modern warfare 3 review,mw3 campaign,mw3 campaign playthrough,mw3 ending,mw3 review,call of duty mw3 2023,call of duty mw3 campaign gameplay,call of duty mw3 campaign,call of duty mw3 2023 gameplay,call of duty modern warfare 3,call of duty modern warfare 2,call of duty modern warfare 3 campaign,call of duty modern warfare 3 walkthrough mw3 full campaign, mw3 walkthrough, mw3 campaign review, mw3 campaign playthrough, mw3 gameplay, mw3 cutscenes, mw3 campaign, mw3 campaign movie, mw3 campaign all cutscenes, mw3 campaign ending, mw3 campaign bad, mw3 cod, mw3 campaign veteran, mw3 campaign last mission, mw3 gameplay campaign, mw3 gameplay 2023, call of duty campaign, call of duty series, call of duty highest difficulty, call of duty no damage, call of duty veteran, call of duty realism, call of duty realism no damage, call of duty 2023, call of duty modern warfare 3 full game, call of duty modern warfare 3 review, call of duty veteran gameplay, call of duty veteran mode, call of duty veteran difficulty, call of duty veteran no damage, call of duty veteran walkthrough, call of duty veteran campaign, cod veteran, cod veteran difficulty, cod veteran gameplay, cod veteran speedrun, cod veteran no damage, Characters: Frank Woods, Troy Marshall, Sevati 'Sev' Dumas, Russell Adler, Felix Neumann, Jane Harrow, Daniel Livingstone, Developers: Sledgehammer Games, Infinity Ward, Treyarch, Beenox, Raven Software