Top 5 Fitness Myths DEBUNKED (Part 2)

Top 5 Fitness Myths DEBUNKED (Part 2)

The video continues my series involving fitness myths that plenty of people think may be true, but that could not be more far from the truth! One example of a common fitness myth is that doing ab exercises will make you lose belly fat and allow you to get abs which is...NOT TRUE!!! What does actually help burn off the belly fat is being in a caloric deficit long enough for you to start seeing your abs more easily and in all shades of light. If you enjoy seeing myths getting debunked then this video is for you so stick around and see if you know all the ones mentioned in this video! #fitnessmyth #mythsdebunked #factualinformation ------------------------------------- If you are looking for the key to unlocking your dream body… ⬇️⬇️⬇️ Schedule a free call with me: Find me on Instagram:   / arielosoriofitness   Find me on Facebook: