Omi Plays Resident Evil 2 REmake Part 5 {Claire A}
Claire has reached the helicopter crash site,just outside the RPD. After diverting the flow of water to put out the fire,she ends up running into a new threat: Mr. X. This thing will now be stalking you for the rest of the RPD segment. Don't shoot his hat off! You'll almost always know he's nearby by the stomping of his footsteps. Finishing off the Diamond Key on the West side of the station,we find another Portable Safe and the other Spare Key inside. With both Spare Keys,you can get the Side Pouch from the Locker Room now. We also stop at the STARS Room. The STARS Badge is actually a USB dongle,needed to obtain the MQ 11 Submachine Gun for Claire! Make sure to take the Badge back with you as you leave. Using the Heart Key near the 1st Safe Room (watch for new Lickers there),we obtain a Jack Handle. This is used to lower the bookcase in the Library,gaining you access to the Clock Tower area. You'll need the Large Gear there,and after some finangling,you'll end up with the other Panel Part. Now we can get the Keycard needed to leave the RPD. We also do Sherry Birkin's stealth segment at the Orphanage,trying to avoid being caught by Chief Brian Irons.