Barry Sternlicht: "Real Estate Market Is About To Experience A Hurricane"

Barry Sternlicht: "Real Estate Market Is About To Experience A Hurricane"

Barry Sternlicht: "Real Estate Market Is About To Experience A Hurricane" Barry Sternlicht is a real estate billionaire and he's saying that even though people are saying that the economy is doing okay, a storm is coming. He blames the Fed for tightening the money market, and he predicted that the real estate market would be like a Category 5 hurricane and that the economy would be in a recession. If you found this video beneficial, please share it with your friends! 👍 Consider subscribing to the channel for motivational videos about investing, business, the stock market, money management, wealth creation, passive income, and other financial topics! ------------------------------------------------ 🎥 We possess commercial licences for all of the content used in this film, with the exception of bits regarding the topic that were used under fair use, and we edited it entirely. Please contact us through email under the channel's "About" section if you have any complaints or business enquiries.