11-22-2020 Misson Caring for the Least Last and Lost

11-22-2020 Misson Caring for the Least Last and Lost

Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24, Ephesians 1:15-23, Matthew 25:31-46 Sanctuary/Online/Parking Lot Attendance Form: https://present.flcssc.org https://give.flcssc.org All Live Events at FLC Sundays 9:30 am Contemporary Worship 9:30 am Sunday School Watch the replay at https://wp.me/P8agoY-1j Support the ministries: https://give.flcssc.org You may also text the amount you want to give to 402-557-0882. To give directly to improve out live stream, text your dollar amount followed by Live Stream. ie. $25 Live Stream Follow this link to provide feedback. https://wp.me/P8agoY-Kn Watch service slides at http://slides.flcssc.org or the online bulletin at https://faithlife.com/flcssc/bulletins Our website is: https://www.flcssc.org Vision Statement Cultivating Lives for God. Every leader is a disciple-maker Every member is engaged Every week we welcome new guests Mission Statement Christ has called us to: Invite, Connect, Disciple and Go. Liturgy used by permission of Augsburg Fortress License #98132861, #SB151873 Music Licenses One License A-724171or CCLI 11051126 CSPL141944 #FLCSSC