The Walking Dead Season 1 Episode 4 - Lee Finds Chuck‘s Dead Body In The Sewers (Definitive Edition)
Season 1, Episode 4 - "Around Every Corner". While walking through the sewers in Savannah, Lee Everett comes across a group of walkers eating someone's dead body. When all the walkers are distracted (and therefore allowing Lee to pass through safely), Lee discovers that the dead body belongs to Chuck, the homeless man the group met on the train in Episode 3. Chuck's gun has no bullets, so Lee twigs he must have used his last one on himself while trying to hide out in the sewers from walkers. Lee remarks that Chuck deserved better before moving on. #thewalkingdead #leeeverett #ps4share #playstation #playstation4 #gaming #definitiveedition #telltale #telltalegames #skybound #ps4