Opening to Coming to America: The Animated Series: King Jaffe Joffer's Birthday 2003 DVD (what if?!)
DVD Release Date (if it had happened): April 22, 2003 Here's what the opening to the Coming to America: The Animated Series DVD release, King Jaffe Joffer's Birthday would look like if it was all real in real life Here's the order: 1. FBI Warning Screen (2000-2005) 2. Blue Warning Screen (2000-2005) 3. Touchstone Home Entertainment Logo (2002-2003) 4. Coming Soon To Theaters Logo (1999-2006) 5. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl Trailer 6. The Haunted Mansion Trailer 7. Coming Soon On Video and DVD Logo (1999-2003) 8. Treasure Planet Trailer 9. The Jungle Book 2 Trailer 10. The Lion King: Special Edition Trailer (early/mid 2003) 11. DVD Menu (not shown) NOTE: Fake/fanmade. It makes sense having the theatrical trailer to The Haunted Mansion and the trailer to The Lion King: Special Edition as some of the opening previews on here, because James Earl Jones and Eddie Murphy are in Coming to America, so it all makes sense here for sure, and also, Madge Sinclair from The Lion King as Mufasa's wife, Sarabi is also in Coming to America too! So it definitely makes sense having the latter trailer on here for sure, but however, she would possibly not reprise her role as Queen Aoleon Joffer since Madge Sinclair (her voice actor) died in 1995 while the animated adaptation to Coming to America would premiere 2 years later in 1997 if it happened and would last until 2004. Hope we can figure out who would replace Madge Sinclair as Queen Aoleon Joffer, but however, James Earl Jones would definitely reprise his role as King Jaffe Joffer in the animated adaptation without a doubt NOTE #2: This video was made because today would've marked James Earl Jones' 94th birthday today and before he died, I was planning to make this video today in honor of his birthday for today, especially since he played the role of King Jaffe Joffer in Coming to America, but because of his death back in September, I was going to cancel that and say that it was not going to be happening anymore because of that. However, I eventually came up with putting this video on YouTube and not having to cancel it, and instead of just celebrating his birthday, this video would also be dedicated in his memory (making it another video on my channel to be dedicated to him after the opening and sneak peeks menus to the 3 Disc Circle of Life Edition DVD to The Lion King that I made the day after he died). Luckily I never premade this video to premiere today before this all happened as I would've forgotten to dedicate him as he passed away, and when people die, you never knew it was going to happen (unless if you predicted it well) And @firstzachattackdvdblu-rayo3142, if you're watching this, this video is for you. What would the occasional/special late appearances of the trailer to Treasure Planet be? If you know, then let me know right here, but if you don't know, then here's my hint: Think about anywhere around Summer 2003 or so And also, happy 94th birthday to and in loving memory of James Earl Jones (January 17, 1931-September 9, 2024), who lended his talented voice acting and physical acting to the characters of Mufasa from The Lion King (both the animated movie from 1994 and it's live action remake from 2019), King Jaffe Joffer from Coming to America, Darth Vader from the Star Wars franchise, Lieutenant Lothar Zogg from Dr. Strangelove (his very first movie he was ever in), Thusla Doom from Conan the Barbarian, the narrator from Click (2006 movie), the narrator for the US version to Disneynature's Earth, Terence Mann from Field of Dreams, Professor Banks from Soul Men (1986 movie), the narrator for the Carnival of the Animals segment from Fantasia 2000, and so much more. May he rest with his allies like Madge Sinclair, Carrie Fisher, Sebastian Shaw, Robert Guillaume, and all the actors from Dr. Strangelove, etc for all of eternity, we already miss you and we still do to this very day