१किलो पनीर बिर्याणी | पार्टीसाठी, सुटसुटीत बिर्याणी तांदूळ घेण्यापासून सविस्तर Paneer Biryani Recipe
सरिताज किचनची सर्व उत्पादने शुद्ध, पारंपरिक आणि केमिकल विरहित आहेत. ऑर्डर करण्यासाठी | To Order - • Website - https://saritaskitchenofficial.com/ • Amazon - https://www.amazon.in/s?me=A6FSX0SQK7... १ किलो पनीर बिर्याणी रेसिपी | पनीर बिर्याणी रेसिपी | पनीर दम बिर्याणी रेसिपी | पार्टीसाठी पनीर बिर्याणी रेसिपी | व्हेज बिर्याणी रेसिपी | 1 kilo Paneer Biryani Recipe | Paneer Biryani Recipe | Paneer Dum Biryani Recipe | Paneer Dum biryani sarita kitchen | restaurant style dum biryani | veg biryani recipe | party order paneer biryani recipe | 2 kg biryani recipe | केशर दूध करण्यासाठी |To Make Saffron Milk • गरम दूध १/२ कप | Hot milk ½ cup • केशर काड्या १०-१२ |Saffron Sticks 10-12 भातासाठी | For Making Rice • लांब दाण्याचा बासमती तांदूळ १ किलो |Long grain aged basmati rice 1kg • शहाजिरे १ टीस्पून |Shahjira 1 tsp • साधे जिरे १ टीस्पून | Cumin seeds 1 tsp • तमालपत्र २-३ | Bay leaves 2-3 • दालचिनी २ | Cinnamon 2 • मसाला वेलदोडे २ |Black Cardamom 2 • हिरवे वेलदोडे ६-७ | Green Cardamom 6-7 • लवंग १०-१२ | Cloves 10-12 • चक्रफुल २-३ |Star Anise 2-3 • मीठ ५ टेबलस्पून |Salt 5 tbsp • साजूक तूप १ टेबलस्पून |Ghee 1 tbsp • अर्ध्या लिंबाचा रस | Juice of a half lemon कांदा तळण्यासाठी |To fry onions • तेल १५० ग्राम | Oil 150 grams • काजू १५-२० | Cashews 15-20 • बेदाणे १५-२० | Raisins 15-20 • उभा पातळ चिरलेला कांदा ४ मोठे (३५० ग्राम ) | Thinly Sliced onion 4 large (350grams) पनीर मसाला ग्रेव्ही साठी |For Making paneer gravy • पनीर ७०० ग्राम |Paneer 700 grams • तेल ६-७ टेबलस्पून | Oil 6-7 tbsp • साजूक तूप २ टेबलस्पून | Ghee 2 tbsp • साधे जिरे १ टीस्पून |Cumins 1 tsp • तमालपत्र २ |Bay Leaves 2 • जावित्री १ | Javitri 1 • दालचिनी २ | Cinnamon 2 • मसाला वेलदोडे २ | Black Cardamom 2 • हिरवे वेलदोडे ३-४ | Green Cardamom 3-4 • लवंग ७-८ | Cloves 7-8 • चक्रफुल २-३ | Star Anise 2-3 • बारीक चिरलेला कांदा ३ मोठे (३०० ग्राम) | Finely chopped onions 3 large (300 grams) • आले लसूण पेस्ट ४ टीस्पून | Ginger garlic paste 4 tsp • टोमॅटो पुरी ४ मोठे टोमॅटो (२५० ग्राम )| Tomato puree of 4 large (250grams) tomatoes • हळद १ टीस्पून | Turmeric 1tsp • काश्मिरी मिरची पावडर ४ टीस्पून | Kashmiri red chilly pw 4tsp • धने पूड २ टीस्पून | Coriander pw 2 tsp • गरम मसाला पावडर २ टीस्पून | Garam masala pw 2 tsp • पुदीने पाने २०-२५ | Mint leaves 20-25 • चिरलेली कोथिंबीर १/२ कप | Chopped fresh coriander ½ cup • उभी चिरलेली हिरवी मिरची ६-७ | Slit green chilies 6-7 • ताजे दही दीड कप (४०० ग्राम) | Fresh curd 1.5 cup (400 grams) • मीठ २ टीस्पून (२० ग्राम )| Salt 2 tsp (30 grams) थर देण्यासाठी | For biryani layers • तयार भात | Cooked rice • तयार पनीर ग्रेव्ही |Ready paneer masala gravy • केशराचे दूध | Saffron milk • साजूक तूप | ghee • तळलेला कांदा |fried onions • तळलेले काजू , बेदाणे | Fried cashews, raisins • पुदिना पाने | Mint leaves • चिरलेली कोथिंबीर | Fresh coriander • गरम मसाला पावडर | Garam masala pw To make rice for biryani - • keep the water boiling in a large big vessel, to this add whole spice & bring the water to boil • once water starts to boil, turn the flame to low & boil the water for 2 mins • then add salt & lemon juice, stir once & try to remove whole spices as much as possible • then add some ghee to the water, keep the flame to high and add soaked rice to the boiling water • once waterr starts to boil, keep the flame high and boil the rice for 5-6 mins • turn off the flame, immediately drain out the excess water from the rice, spread the rice into a large plate & allow it to cool down. how to make paneer biryani recipe in marathi - How to make paneer masala for biryani- • Heat up a pan, to this add some ghee, once ghee is hot, add a pinch of salt, turn the flame to low and add paneer cubes, fry the cubes until they get light brown grill marks. • take the grilled paneer out. • to the same pan, add more ghee & fried onion oil (6-7tbsp) • once the oil is moderate hot, add whole spices & saute for a few seconds • Then add chopped onions and fry until onions turn to translucent. • Then add ginger garlic paste, saute for 2 mins, then add tomato puree, some salt, turmeric, red chilly pw mix well, cover and cook on low flame until tomato releases the oil. • Then add some fried onions, mint leaves, fresh coriander, slit green chilies, fresh curd & mix well for a min on low flame. • then add garam masala pw & fried paneer mix well, cover and cook on low flame for 2-3 mins • then turn off the flame & our paneer masala gravy for biryani is ready. How to layer biryani - • Take a heavy bottom pan, Add layers as shown • cover the biryani pot tight • turn on the gas, keep the flame to low and cook for 15 - 20 mins on very low flame Other recipe #biryanirecipe #paneerbiryanirecipe #paneerdumbiryani #chickenbiriyanirecipe #saritakitchenbiryanirecipe #chickendumbiryanirecipe #saritakitchenmarathi #बिर्याणीरेसिपी #पनीरबिर्याणीरेसिपी #पनीरपुलावरेसिपी #चिकनबिर्याणीरेसिपी #सरिताकिचन #saritaskitchen #सरिताकिचन For collaboration enquiries – [email protected]