Best homeopathic medicine for Acidity + tips to manage acidity at home / acidity ka jad se ilaj
Dr Sawan & Dr Sawan (Niramaya health center) topics covered in this video acidity / acidity in hindi / heartburn / seene me jalan/chati me jalan / GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease) / hyperacidity / एसिडिटी / acid reflux homeopathic medicine for acidity / best homeopathic medicine for acidity homeopathic medicine for heartburn homeopathic treatment of acidity acidity ki homeopathic dawa / acidity ka homeopathic ilaj / acidity ka jad se ilaj / tips to manage acidity at home / natural tips for acidity / home tips to manage acidity / home remedies for acidity sine me jalan ki dawa / sine me jalan ki dawa / sine me jalan ki homeopathic dawa हाइपर एसिडिटी का होम्योपैथिक इलाज / एसिडिटी का परमानेंट इलाज / एसिडिटी की समस्या से छुटकारा #homeopathicmedicineforacidity #aciditykailaj #aciditytrratment #aciditykihomeopathicdawa #aciditykajadseilaj #heartburn #sinemelajan 00:48 what causes acidity? acidity hone ke karan? 1. skipping meals and eating at irregular times- bhojan skip karna ya aniyamit bhotan ki aadat yani alag alag samay pe khana, acidity hone ka ek mukhya karan hai 2. Eating just before sleep- sone se pehle khana. 3. Overeating- zarurat se jyada khana bhi acidity ka ek karan hai 4. Rich food, oily food, spicy food- jyada tel masala aur chatpata khana bhi acidity cause karta hai. 5.tea, coffee, sugerated drinks- chai, coffee aur chini wale drinks acidity paida karte hain. chini acidity ka jad hai. 6. side effects of allopathy medicines 7. stomach ulcer 8. excessive consumption of non vegetarian food. 9. stress 10. alcohol, smoking- bahut common reason hai acidity hone ka. 03:46 homeopathic medicines for acidity- 3 mahina lena hai 1. Robinia 30- 2 bund x din me 3 baar x khane se adha ghanta pehle top grade homeopathic medicine for acidity, acidity se saath khatti dhakar ana, ulti hona aur ulti me khatta pani nikalna, aise symptoms ye dawa bohot hi effective hai. 2. Natrum phos 6x- 4 tablet x din me 3 baar x adhe cup gungune pani me ghalkar x khane ke adha ghanta pehle, robinia 30 lene ke 10 min baad. acidity ki kargar dawa, bohot effective hai acidity me jab acidity jyada mehsus ho to is dawa ki 4 goli leke chus le to acidity me turant aaram mil jayga. 05:34 tips to manage acidity at home 1. Coconut water- nariyal ka pani, din me 1-2 baar len, acidity me bohot fayda karega. 2. watermelon juice- tarbuj ka juice 3. Lemon juice/lemon pickle- nimbu pani, nimbu ka achar 4. Buttermilk- chach 5. banana- kela, 1-2 daily after meals. More videos by us -- hamare aur videos daad khaj khujli ki homeopathic dawa: • dad khaj khujli ki dawa- Homeopathic ... Common questions related to acne/pimples: • Common questions related to acne/pimp... ghutne dard ki dawa- Homeopathic medicine for knee pain: • ghutne dard ki dawa- Homeopathic medi... common questions related to knee pain: • common questions related to knee- kne... Homeopathic medicines for hair fall, dandruff, hair growth: • hair fall rokne + hair growth hone ki... Common questions related to Hair fall, baldness & more: • hair fall, baldness, low hair growth,... vitamin b12 की कमी के लक्षण: • symptoms of vitamin b12 deficiency in... Niramaya Health Center is on facebook as well: / niramayaheal. . Doston, agar aapke koi sawal hai aur aap kisi topic par video chahate hain to comments me zarur bataye. agar apko video pasand aya ho to like, share, channel ko SUBSCRIBE zarur kare and press the BELL 🔔 icon. All information in this video is for educational and informational purpose only and should not be substituted for professional medical advice or treatment.