5 Rules for Answering ESSAY Questions on Exams
Start building your analytical skills on Brilliant for free at https://brilliant.org/ThomasFrank - and be among the first 83 people to sign up to get 20% off your subscription. Huge thanks to Brilliant for sponsoring this video! Out of all the types of test questions, essay questions inspire the most fear and dread - after all, there's no guessing your way out of them. Using the 5 rules we'll cover in this video, though, you'll be able to ace the next essay question that crosses you path. Get my book "10 Steps to Earning Awesome Grades" FREE: https://collegeinfogeek.com/get-bette... Follow Me: Instagram ➔ / tomfrankly Twitter ➔ / tomfrankly Podcast ➔ / thecollegeinfogeekpodcast Subscribe to My Channel: http://buff.ly/1vQP5ar My Video Gear: https://kit.com/tomfrankly/my-video-gear