Replay of our June 20, 2021 Father's Day Worship Service
Welcome back, we're so happy you are joining us for our weekly 10 am Virtual Worship at First Congregational Church in Melrose, Massachusetts, United Church of Christ! This is a replay of our June 20, 2021 Father's Day Sunday worship service. Live services will return on September 12, 2021. You may access the hymns in The New Century Hymnal, available to our members by loan, or download per the instructions in our newsletter. Please note, we hold copyright for all hymns in our worship service through our CCLI license #20392823; Streaming license #20392830 and OneLicense #718959-A with podcasting. Our website is fccmelrose.org and our facebook page is facebook.com/FCCMelrose. Subscribe to this channel so that you can be notified when a new video posts. Online giving is available on our website. To donate specifically towards our mission to support the Bread of Life food pantry during this pandemic, you can also Venmo a donation to us using the Venmo app on your smartphone to: @FCC-Melrose (the first-time confirmation code is 7073) or send a check to the church with “Covid Mission Work” in the memo section. Again, thank you!