How To Make Old Fashioned Banana Pudding

How To Make Old Fashioned Banana Pudding

#msbrendadee HELLO EVERYONE!! TODAY I'M SHARING ONE OF MY FAMILY'S FAVORITE AN OLD FASHIONED BANANA PUDDING. I REMEMBER THIS DISH FROM MANY YEARS BACK WHEN MY RELETIVES WOULD BRING THIS TO OUR FAMILY GATHERINGS. THIS IS ALSO A HOLIDAY RECIPE. HOPE Y'ALL ENJOY!!! Old fashioned Banana Pudding 1/2 Cup of Sugar 1/3 Cup of Flour Dash of Salt 2 Cups of Evaporated or Whole Milk 3 Egg Yolks 1 tsp. Vanilla 1 Box of Nilla Wafers 4-5 Bananas Mix well all dry ingredients together in a bowl. Then in your milk and egg yolks. Mix well. Pour mixture in a saucepan. Cook on medium heat stir for 10 mins or until custard thickens. Remove from heat then add vanilla. Add a little more milk if needed.