The Walking Dead Season 1, Episode 5, (4K), Part 18, The End

The Walking Dead Season 1, Episode 5, (4K), Part 18, The End

Plot edit This is a broad overview of the plot. Certain decisions made by the player will alter details of specific events. Several members of the main cast of survivors of The Walking Dead by Episode 4. From left, Christa, Omid, Kenny, Lee, Ben, and Chuck. The Walking Dead occurs simultaneously with the events from the original comic series, where a zombie apocalypse overwhelms much of society.[22] On day one of the outbreak, convicted criminal Lee Everett (Dave Fennoy) is being transported to prison when the police car crashes after hitting a walker. After killing the reanimated cop, Lee flees from a group of walkers and takes shelter in a suburban home, where he meets Clementine (Melissa Hutchison), a young girl whose parents had traveled to Savannah. They are rescued by Shawn Greene (Peter Edward Mussad), who takes them to his father Hershel’s (Chuck Kourouklis) farm, where they meet Kenny (Gavin Hammon), his wife Katjaa (Cissy Jones), and their son Duck (Max Kaufman). After Shawn is killed by walkers, Hershel forces the group to leave. They travel to Macon, Lee's hometown, and join another group led by Lilly (Nicki Rapp), barricaded in Lee's family pharmacy. The group includes Glenn (Nick Herman), who eventually leaves to find friends in Atlanta. #thewalkingdeadtelltale #game #4k #livepremiere #ps5