Worship Service 11/22/2020, 10:30 AM - Thanksgiving Sunday
Sunday morning worship service at First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Selma, California. Please "Subscribe" so you won't miss future services, special events, special music, or fun videos! The Scripture for this service is Psalm 100 (NRSV). Our “Quarantine Qrew” is leading worship: Kenneshae Murray, soprano Jessica Williams, alto Jorge Flores, tenor Joe Vigil, bass Jordan Williams, pianist Dave Highbaugh, guitar and keyboard --------------------------------------------- 2026 Arrants St., Selma, CA 93662 www.selmadisciples.com Rev. Maria Tafoya, senior pastor --------------------------------------------- You can donate to our ministries via PayPal: https://www.tiny.cc/fccselmagive You can also donate to us through AmazonSmile: https://smile.amazon.com/ch/94-6088069 Facebook Donate: www.facebook.com/selmadisciples --------------------------------------------- CCLI License #2370237 Streaming License #20541234