Yellow rob squire boss battle - cool moves - black myth wukong chapter 2

Yellow rob squire boss battle - cool moves - black myth wukong chapter 2

In this video you will story of squire and cool moves Yellow rob squire boss guide Yellow rob squire missing Yellow rob squire location Yellow rob squire quest guide This Black Myth Wukong Gameplay will include the full game, some secrets and ALL BOSS Fights!. Part of the way through “Yellow Wind Ridge,” Black Myth: Wukong’s second chapter, you’ll encounter an open area with a drunken warthog sitting on the ground. This is the Yellow-Robed Squire, and he needs a bit of help. Doing so rewards you with the Wind Tamer Vessel. Before you fight the Yellow-Robed Squire, you'll first need to sober him up with an appropriately named Sobering Stone. One can be bought from the Man-in-Stone after you've completed his questline earlier in the region and he's opened his shop. If you don't want to buy one, you can also find one in a glowing pot located in the Windrest Hamlet just past the Windrest Bridge in the Yellow Wind Formation area. Search for a large house on the left as you enter the village, and you'll find it in an alcove guarded by a Blazebone enemy. After sobering up, the Drunken Boar will then head to the Crouching Tiger Temple, and there request that you get him some tasty Jade Lotus -- which can be harvested in most pools of water. Finally, the Yellow-Robed Squire will return to near where you first met him, looking for a missing Gold Piece held by one of the Rat Princes. You can find this by defeating the First Prince of Flowing Sands in the Valley of Despair, and obtaning the Arhat Gold Piece from him. Return to Rockrest Flat, and the boar will fight you for the gold. If you liked the video please remember to leave a Like & Comment, I appreciate it a lot! Black Myth: Wukong Walkthrough Gameplay Part 1 - The journey begins :     • Black Myth: Wukong Wal...  ​ Black Myth: Wukong is an action role-playing game developed and published by Game Science. It is inspired by the classical Chinese novel Journey to the West. You shall set out as the Destined One to venture into the challenges and marvels ahead, to uncover the obscured truth beneath the veil of a glorious legend from the past. #BlackMythWukong​ #YellowRobedSquire​ #YellowRobedSquireBossFight​ #Chapter2BossFight​ #KingdomOfSahali​ #WindsealGate​ #YellowWindFormation​ #BlackMythWukongBossFight​ #ChineseMythologyGame​ #BlackMythChapter2​ #ChallengingBossFight​ #PS5Gameplay​ #UnrealEngine5Graphics​ #BlackMythBossStrategies​ #BlackMythWalkthrough​ #RPGActionAdventureGame​ #BlackMythLore​ #BlackMythCombatGuide​ #BlackMythWukongChapter2​ #Oldrattledrum​ #quest​