i am stressed - Silent Hill 2 Remake Part 3 | ripe tomato plays

i am stressed - Silent Hill 2 Remake Part 3 | ripe tomato plays

In today's episode of silent hill 2 we are confronted with more constant horrors, make our way through the "other world" and attempt to fight pyramid head (but he gets scared and runs away). We also meet Maria, a new character who looks mysteriously like our dead wife and continue to get bullied by a 7 year old :D As I mentioned in the video I'm sorry about the audio issues in this one; I've tried to edit out as much of it as I could while keeping the video cohesive so you still find it fun to watch! Not entirely sure what's causing it but yeah, hopefully moving forward I'll be able to resolve this issue, thanks for sticking around while I do :) 💖 Connect with me: ✨ Twitter: https://x.com/littlecharhar ✨ Instagram:   / littlecharhar   #silenthill2​​ #silenthill2remake​​ #ripetomatoplays #games #gaming