Thursday Rosary Rosary Thursday Rosary March 20 March 20 Rosary Rosary Today March 20, 2025 Today's Rosary March 20, 2025 #luminousmysteriesoftherosary #luminousmysteries #rosarythursday #rosarymonday #rosarytuesday #rosarywednesday #rosaryfriday #rosarysaturday #rosarysunday #praytherosary #dailyrosary #rosarytoday #todayrosary Todays Rosary #catholicprayers #dailyprayers The Luminous Mysteries Of The Most Holy Rosary To Be Prayed On Thursdays Rosary Thursday 1. The Baptism 2. The Wedding At Cana 3. The Proclamation Of The Kingdom 4. The Transfiguration 5. The Institution Of The Eucharist The Luminous Mysteries: Against protests of his unworthiness, John the Baptist baptizes Jesus exclaiming “Behold The Lamb Of God” Jesus was informed by Mary at the Wedding of Cana that the wine had run short so in turn Jesus performs a miracle turning water into wine. This was Jesus’s first miracle worked at his Mother Mary’s request. Jesus exclaims that his kingdom is not of this world. He instructs all to love their enemies and to pray for those who persecute you. Blessed are those who suffer persecutions for the sake of justice. Jesus tells Peter that upon this rock he shall build his church offering Peter the keys to the kingdom of Heaven. Jesus took bread and bless it exclaiming that whoever eats his flesh and drinks his blood will remain in him and he will remain in them. Jesus instituted the Holy Eucharist at this Eucharistic meal and celebrated the first mass. Let us pray The Luminous Mysteries requesting the strengthening of our faith and for the love of our Eucharistic Lord May God Bless You and Thank you for Praying With Us @PrayersAroundTheClock ***************************************************************************************************** #praytherosary #dailyrosary #rosarytoday #rosary #rosarythursday #luminousmysteriesoftherosary #luminousmysteries #TheHolyRosary #CatholicPrayers #DailyPrayers #TheJoyfulMysteries #TheLuminousMysteries #TheSorrowfulMysteries #TheGloriousMysteries #Fatima #Medjugorje #TheCrucifixion #LadyOfGuadalupe #Lourdes #SaintMichael #Jesus #LadyOfTheRosary #Catholicism #PrayersAroundTheClock #StMichael #SaintMichael #SaintMichaelTheArchangel #DailyDevotional #TheActOfContrition #TheApostlesCreed #MotherOfPerpetualHelp #TheLitanyOfTheBlessedVirginMary #TheLitany #Novena #Catholic #SacredHeartOfJesus #ImmaculateHeartOfMary #SacredHeart #TheHolySpirit #Rosary #CatholicMorningPrayer #ChapletOfDivineMercy #DivineMercyChaplet #Catholics #TheHolyCross #RosaryMonday #rosarytuesday #RosaryWednesday #RosaryThursday #RosaryFriday #RosarySaturday #RosarySunday #TheHolyRosary #CatholicPrayers #DailyPrayers #MiraclePrayer #RosaryToday #MorningPrayerCatholic #Fatima #Medjugorje #TheCrucifixion #Lourdes #SaintMichael #StMichael #MotherOfPerpetualHelp #blessedvirginmary #blessedmother #blessedmary #TheLitany #Catholic #ImmaculateHeartOfMary #SacredHeart #Rosary #CatholicMorningPrayer #ChapletOfDivineMercy #DivineMercyChaplet #TheHolyCross #MassToday #CatholicMassToday #SorrowfulMysteriesOfTheRosary #JoyfulMysteriesOfTheRosary #GloriousMysteriesOfTheRosary #LuminousMysteriesOfTheRosary #MorningPrayer #Gospel #Rosary #Prayers #Reflection #CatholicPrayers #DailyPrayer #morningprayer #nightprayer #Rosary #JoyfulMysteries #CatholicMeditation #SaturdayRosary #todayrosary #Gospel #Rosary #Prayers #Devotion #Reflection #CatholicPrayers #DailyPrayer #lent #CatholicMeditation #MondayRosary #rosarytoday #sorrowfulmysteries #sorrowfulmysteriesoftherosary #luminousmysteriesoftherosary #luminousmysteries #joyfulmysteriesoftherosary #joyfulmysteries #gloriousmysteriesoftherosary #gloriousmysteriesoftherosary #saturdayrosary #sundayrosary #tuesdayrosary #wednesdayrosary #thursdayrosary #fridayrosary #sundayrosary #todayrosary #virginmary #psalms #psalm #motivational #inspiration #christianmotivation #god #godmessage #godmessagetoday #powerfulprayers #ourfatherinheaven #familyprayers #familyprayer #ProtectionPrayer #spiritualwarfare #spiritualwarfareprayers #spiritualwarfareprayer #deliverance #immaculateheartofmary #immaculateheart #holyspirit #ourfather #ourfatherinheaven #hailmary #immaculate_conception #immaculateconception #divineprayer #divinegod #holycross #almightyfather #powerfulmorningprayer #prayerforprotection #divinemercyprayer #divinemercy #holyspirit #prayersforhelp #prayersforhealing #prayerforprotection #dailyprayers #heavenlyfather #dearlord #god #lordjesus #almightyfather #praytherosary #dailyrosary #rosarytoday