How To Clear Clogged Milk Ducts Naturally || Home Remedies for Blocked Milk Ducts
Hi Everyone! Today we will discuss how to clear clogged milk ducts. Here are some home remedies for blocked milk ducts. These remedies are very effective to cure plugged milk ducts. So apply these remedies to treat clogged milk ducts. ********************Subscribe Our Channel**************** / @zkhealthofficial --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A clogged milk duct is a painful condition experienced by nursing mothers. A clogged milk duct can occur anywhere on the firm section of the breast and even in the armpits. It is characterized by pain, tenderness, and swelling and in case of breastfeeding mothers; it does not allow the baby to nurse properly. Are you a nursing mother suffering from the blocked milk duct problem? Do you want to get rid of the pain in your breast resulting due to clogged milk duct? If yes, then Here are some easy home remedies which can help you treat the blocked milk duct problem effectively. Home Remedy # 1. Massage Having a firm massage on the breast with the clogged milk duct can help heal the condition significantly. You can massage with your own hands. After the massage, try to squeeze out the blockage by using your index finger and thumb. Place your fingers at the edge of the areola, press it, and squeeze your fingers towards the nipple. Try this several time a day. Home Remedy # 2. Chamomile Chamomile is an excellent herbal remedy to cure blocked milk duct. Take a chamomile leaves and steep it on a hot water for 15 minutes. After it cools, apply the herbs as a poultice on the affected breast area and let it stay on the affected area till it cools. Repeat this remedy many times daily to get rid of inflammation and swelling resulting due to the clogged duct. Home Remedy # 3. Apple Cider Vinegar Apple Cider Vinegar has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which will helps to fight against infections. Mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with a dash of raw honey in a small glass of water. Drink this thrice every day to obtain relief from the symptoms of blocked milk duct. Home Remedy # 4. A Hot Shower Having a hot shower is quite effective in curing the troubles resulting due to the blocked milk duct. Have a hot shower while making sure that the hot water pours over the affected area. Massage your breast under water pressure. You can use coconut oil for the purpose of massage. Home Remedy # 5. Olive Oil Olive oil helps make your skin soft, prevents the risk of further clogging and re-clogging to a large extent, and heals the inflammation quickly. To have a healing treatment, soak a small cotton ball in olive oil and place it on the nipple. You will see noticeable effects after a few applications. Home Remedy # 6. Epsom Salt Epsom salt is an effective remedy for a blocked milk duct. You can add Epsom salt to your bathtub filled with water, dissolve it, and have a bath. It is to be done before nursing. Clean yourself properly using fresh water as the baby may not find a pleasant taste while breastfeeding. Home Remedy # 7. Tea Bags Using hot black tea bags can help cure a clogged milk duct. Place a hot tea bag as a compress on the affected area and it acts as a warm compress and helps unclog the milk duct. Home Remedy # 8. Ice Ice pack is also very useful for clogged milk duct. Crush ice, wrap it in a wet cloth and apply it to your affected nipple just before nursing your infant to minimize the pain resulting due to a clogged duct significantly. Home Remedy # 9. Cabbage Warm Compress Having a warm compress by using fresh leaves of cabbage is an excellent clogged milk duct remedy. Warm fresh cabbage leaf in microwave for a few seconds and then place it on your affected breast for two to three minutes. Follow this after every one hour throughout the day to obtain relief from blocked milk ducts. These remedies are very effective to cure blocked milk duct. If these home remedies do not show results, seek medical help immediately. #CloggedMilkDuct #HomeRemedies #HealthTips #HowTo #ZkHealthOfficial ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DISCLAIMER: The information provided on this channel and its videos is for general purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice. We are trying to provide a perfect, valid, specific, detailed information .we are not a licensed professional so make sure with your professional consultant in case you need. All the content published in our creativity.