Opposites Song for Kids | #kidssongs , #preschoollearning , #nurserysongs #oppositessong
Sing along with this catchy opposites song for kids! Teach your little ones about big and little, happy and sad, up and down, and more! Big and little, happy and sad Up and down, in and out we've had Fast and slow, old and new Opposites, me and you! Hot and cold, light and dark Long and short, near and far Clean and dirty, loud and quiet too Opposites, all around we do! Left and right, high and low Open and shut, yes and no Opposites, every single day Help us learn, in a fun, fun way! #KidsEducation, #OppositesSong, #ChildrensMusic, #LearningThroughSong, #KidsLearning, #EducationForKids, #KidsSongs, #OppositesForKids, #ViralKidsContent, #KidsViral, #trendingkids #pinterest