The Masked Singer - Gumball - All Performances and Reveal
#themaskedsinger #themaskedsingers #ritaora the masked singer season 11 finale the masked singer season 11 episode 12 the masked singer season 11 episode 13 the masked singer season 11 episode 1 Scott Porter #ScottPorter 00:00 - 00:23 If I Only Had a Heart - Jack Haley 00:23 - 02:20 Heartbeat Song - Kelly Clarkson 02:20 - 04:28 Wide Open Spaces - The Chicks 04:28 - 06:19 Carry On Wayward Son - Kansas 06:19 - 07:20 The Time of My Life 07:20 - 09:31 I'm Yours - Jason Mraz 09:31 - 10:34 If I Could Turn Back Time- Cher 10:34 - 12:47 I Lived - OneRepublic 12:47 - 13:47 A Moment Like This - Kelly Clarkson 13:47 - 15:37 Latch - Disclosure FT. Sam Smith 15:37 - 17:38 Renegade - Styx 17:38 - 21:42 Reveal 21:42 unmasked performances