धर्म एवं दर्शन ( Regional and Philosophy ) ba. 6th semester Ancient history 1st paper ka syllabus
धर्म एवं दर्शन ( Regional and Philosophy ) ba. 6th semester Ancient history 1st paper ka syllabus in hindi. 6th semester Ancient history 1st paper & 2nd paper की all videos की playlist..... 👉 • 6th semester Ancient history 1st pape... 1 Religion of Indus – Saraswati Civilization 2 Vedic Religion 3 Jainism: Mahavira's life and teachings 4 Buddhism: Buddha's life and teachings 5 Vaishnavism Dharma 6 Shaivism Dharma 7 Shakta Dharma 8 Introduction of Six Schools of Philosophy of India कला एवं स्थापत्य ( Art and Architecture ) ba 6th semester Ancient history 2nd paper ka syllabus in hindi 1 Beginnings of Indian Art: Characteristic Features of Ancient Indian Art Pre-historic Art Harappan Art & Architecture 2 Maurya Art: Asoka Pillars, Capital Figures 3 Sunga Art: Stupa – Sanchi, Bharahut, Amaravati Rock-Cut Cave Architecture (Chaitya/Vihara)-Karle and Bhaja 4 Kusana Art: Evolution of Buddha Images Mathura Art and Gandhara Art 5 Gupta Art: Essential Features Beginning of temple Architecture: Bhitargaon Temple and Deogarh Temple 6 Rock Painting: Ajanta and Ellora Temple Architecture Style: Nagara, Dravida and Vesara 7 Art and Architecture Under: Chandella: Kandaria Mahadeva Temple Orisan Temple: Lingaraja and Konarka Temple 8 Art and Architecture Under: Rashtrakutas: Kailash temple of Ellora Pallavas: Rathas of Mahabalipurama Cholas: Brihadishwar Temple of Tanjavur #syllabus #study2day #ba #bsc #ancient history 6th semester Ancient history #paper