The biggest risk for Heart Disease is NOT LDL or HbA1c
0:00 Intro and Dr. Boz ratio 1:13 Measure this risk factor for heart disease 3:00 Risk Factor Chart 5:26 Stages of insulin resistance 7:19 Lipid Panel 9:20 Lipoprotein 11:23 Break down of cholesterol 14:50 NMR 17:38 Particle size 19:23 When insulin is HIGH 25:40 LP-IR 27:18 My NMR results 29:25 Bozmd.com --- Dr Boz favorites 37:13 Insulin's role 41:45 Associated Diseases 45:25 Q&A https://kevinforeymd.com/insulin-resi... 50 Keto Fat-Facts: http://on.bozmd.com/50fat Dr. Boz Ratio Spreadsheet: http://on.bozmd.com/DBR Documentary Playlist: https://on.bozmd.com/AT --------------------- Dr. Boz’s Online Courses: Consistently Keto: http://on.bozmd.com/CK BRAINS: https://bozmd.com/Brains_t2r/ --------------------- WAYS TO SUPPORT THIS CHANNEL: Share Dr. Boz content with people you love. Everyone wins when you share. Buy Dr. Boz Products Dr. Boz Food Guide: http://on.bozmd.com/FoodGuide Beginners love this! Once you graduate beyond beginner, pass the guide to a keto-newbie. Dr. Boz K2+D3: http://on.bozmd.com/k2d3 https://amzn.to/31lIlqL (affiliate link) Dr. Boz KETONES-IN-A-CAN Raspberry Lemon Tubs: http://on.bozmd.com/BHB1 https://amzn.to/2GXLlSw Dutch Chocolate Sachet: http://on.bozmd.com/BHB4 https://amzn.to/30GfnmP Mexican Spice Chocolate Sachet: http://on.bozmd.com/BHB3 https://amzn.to/2ZUxvK6 Cucumber Lemonade Sachet: https://amzn.to/3lzgVZj https://on.bozmd.com/BHB2 Pucker Up!: https://bozmd.com/product/pucker-up-c... Dr. Boz MCT C8:C10 softgels: http://on.bozmd.com/c8c10 https://amzn.to/2K7tPww (affiliate link) Dr. Boz At Home Vit D Test Kit https://on.bozmd.com/TestVitD https://amzn.to/3jgmvzS Dr. Boz At Home A1C Test Kit on.bozmd.com/A1cTest https://amzn.to/3RutPbb Buy Dr. Boz's books: ANYWAY YOU CAN. A Beginner's Guide to Ketones For Life Paperback: http://on.bozmd.com/AYC Hardcover: http://on.bozmd.com/AYChard Kindle: https://a.co/d/jcNWwtr Audible: https://adbl.co/2SLLfS1 KetoCONTINUUM: Consistently Keto For Life Paperback: https://amzn.to/37L2uvK Audiobook http://adbl.co/3tQ75WZ ketoCONTINUUM Workbook: https://amzn.to/3c68Tns Visit BozMD.com & click on Dr. Boz FAVORITES for her best recommendations. Here are a few: Keto-Mojo Ketone and Glucose Testing Kit: https://on.bozmd.com/mojostrips Redmond's Real Salt Salt Refill: https://bit.ly/3dOdJFs 6-Pack Pocket Salt: http://bit.ly/31ypeen Carnivore Crisps - use code DrBoz Five Bags of Beef: https://on.bozmd.com/5beefBundle Brisket: https://on.bozmd.com/ccBrisket Ribeye: https://on.bozmd.com/ccRibeye Test your FAT Omega 3 Index: http://bit.ly/2v2rA9p --------------------- *This content is strictly the opinion of Annette Bosworth, MD. Our content informs and educates viewers. Medical advice is not given on this channel. Your personal physician gives the medical advice and treatment specific to your situation. Dr. Boz channel only educates. Consult your doctor or qualified health professional regarding specific health questions. Neither Dr. Bosworth nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person(s) receiving this educational content. Ask your health advisors before beginning any nutritional supplement or lifestyle program.