Advent Week 3 - Joy

Advent Week 3 - Joy

Advent has come to mean a lot to me as an adult. So, for the Sundays in December, I thought we would gather together here for community, intention, prayer, and scripture reading. It’s easy to find joy when everything’s going right. But what about joy when things are off the rails, out of control, unresolved. Here is what I want you to remember: There is a magical, spiritual, sacred link between love and joy. When we love God and when we love people, joy bursts forth in our life. In this way, joy doesn’t come from resolution or things getting fixed, or possessions, or perfection, or getting it all right finally. Joy comes from the greatest commandments: Love Goa and love people. Nothing will get us out of our heads, our circumstances, our misery faster than showing love to someone else. So, how in whatever way big or small can we love others this season? This doesn’t have to be a grand gesture; it can be bringing a jar of jelly to your neighbor. #advent #christmas #advent2024 #joy #joytotheworld