Prep Board and Final Board - GTA5 online 2021 // last game of The Diamond Casino Heist
This mission video is 00:44 Heist Prep: Security Intel 03:46 Lester's House 06:13 Yung Ancestor: Dead Weight 11:38 Yung Ancestor: After Party 15:10 MASKS (Location guide ) ----------------------- 00:44 Heist Prep: Security Intel Security Intel is an optional prep mission featured in Grand Theft Auto Online as part of The Diamond Casino Heist update. It is a free-roam mission needed to progress The Diamond Casino Heist. To play this mission, the player must have completed all six Casino missions as a host. Completing this mission allows players to see all locations and cones of vision for all security cameras during the heist. Mission Objectives • Go to Rockford Plaza. • Search the area for the Gauntlet. • Recover the stolen Gauntlet for Vincent. • Return the Gauntlet to Vincent at Rockford Plaza. 03:46 Lester's House Lester's House is a property owned by Lester Crest in Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online located on Amarillo Vista in El Burro Heights, East Los Santos. 06:13 Yung Ancestor: Dead Weight Yung Ancestor: Dead Weight is a prep mission featured in Grand Theft Auto Online as part of The Diamond Casino Heist update. It is a free-roam mission needed to progress The Diamond Casino Heist. Yung Ancestor: After Party, this mission and its second part can only be accessed if the player visits the Casino roof terrace during Setup: Casino Scoping. Mission Objectives • Go to the Casino. • Enter the rental car. • Ditch the rental car in the reservoir. • Go to the abandoned lot and burn the rental car. • Go to the scrapyard and crush the rental car. • Deliver the rental car to the Altruist Camp. • Leave the Altruist Camp. 11:38 Yung Ancestor: After Party Yung Ancestor: After Party is a prep mission featured in Grand Theft Auto Online as part of The Diamond Casino Heist update. It is a free-roam mission needed to progress The Diamond Casino Heist. This mission can only be accessed if the player visits the roof terrace of the Casino during Setup: Casino Scoping, and if the player has already completed Yung Ancestor: Dead Weight. Completing this mission allows the player to choose Yung Ancestor as their entrance disguise in The Big Con Approach. Mission Objectives • Go to the Casino. • Destroy the evidence. 15:10 Heist Prep: Masks (Location guide ) Location Vespucci Movie Masks