Atul Subhash Case से निकली बहस पर Supreme Court Advocate Vikas से क्या बता गए? kanooni Pench VK SB
#breakingnews #hindinews Welcome to the first episode of Kanooni Pench, a thought-provoking weekly show hosted by Vikas Kumar, where we delve deep into India's legal system and important court cases. This week, Vikas engages in an insightful conversation with senior Supreme Court lawyer Kumar Sameer. Together, they discuss two critical topics that are shaping the discourse on justice and personal rights in India. The episode begins with an in-depth analysis of the Atul Subhash case, unraveling its legal intricacies, implications, and the broader questions it raises about justice delivery in India. Kumar Sameer sheds light on the case from a legal expert’s perspective, providing viewers with a clear understanding of the judicial process. In the second half, the discussion transitions to marriage laws in India. The duo examines the evolution of marriage laws, highlighting key amendments, challenges, and societal implications. Kumar Sameer offers a nuanced perspective on the balance between tradition and modernity in India's legal framework for marriage. Don’t miss this compelling episode of Kanooni Pench! Stay tuned for more episodes where we bring clarity to complex legal matters and foster informed dialogue. 👉 Like, share, and subscribe to our channel for weekly updates on India’s legal landscape. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- लोकमत हिंदी यूट्यूब चैनल पर स्वागत है. यहां आपको Parliament News, Political Insight, Crime news, Latest Political News, Breaking News, In Depth News, एनालिसिस, फीडबैक, मनोरंजन की दुनिया, खेल-खिलाड़ी, सोशल मीडिया का वायरल रायता, फिल्म रिव्यू, खास मुद्दों पर मंथन देखने को मिलेगा. Welcome to Lokmat Hindi YouTube Channel. Lokmat Hindi channel is all about Latest News, politics news, entertainment news, sports news, social media news, movie reviews, opinion news and more. Lokmat Founded in 1971 by Jawaharlal Darda, it is the largest read Marathi-language newspaper in India. It is also available in an e-paper format and is published in Hindi and English as Lokmat Samachar and the Lokmat Times respectively. Stay tuned for all the trending news in Hindi, exclusive videos and celebrity interviews. लोकमत हिन्दी के वेबसाइट पर जाने के लिए क्लिक करें- http://www.lokmatnews.in/ लोकमत हिन्दी को फेसबुक पर फॉलो करने के लिए क्लिक करें- / lokmatnewshindi लोकमत हिन्दी को ट्विटर पर फॉलो करने के लिए क्लिक करें- Follow @ / lokmatnewshindi लोकमत हिन्दी को इंस्टाग्राम पर फॉलो करने के लिए क्लिक करें- Follow @ / lokmatnewshindi