Follow This Diet to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes | Bible Diet Amazing Benefits

Follow This Diet to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes | Bible Diet Amazing Benefits

Do you want to learn how to reverse type 2 diabetes? This diet is beneficial not only for type 2 diabetes but also effective for conquering cancer and other diseases! Get access to the FREE Biblical Health Plan: Healthy Recipes and Articles: Online Courses: https://www.biblicalnutritionacademy.... Inner Circle Coaching Group: Did this video bless you? We are grateful for the support of our ministry partners, as they make teachings like this possible through their kindness and generosity. By choosing to make a gift, you become an essential contributor to our outreach efforts, allowing us to create life-changing content that reaches and enriches souls across the globe. Your support truly brings blessings! Watch my previous videos on reversing type 2 diabetes: 10 foods to eat to reverse diabetes    • 10 Tips How To Reverse Diabetes Natur...   Foods to avoid if you have diabetes    • Top 10 WORST Foods For Diabetics | Th...   Let's get into the seven benefits of following the bible diet, specifically for diabetes. But you can apply this to any health challenge that you have. 1. It changes your epigenetic markers. Epigenetics is how your genes are responding to what you're feeding them. So this is really important because so many people feel like they're doomed by their genetics. But if you change your diet, you change the expression of that DNA, and whoever wants to do that is not going to need the medication. 2. Helps to balance blood sugar levels. When your blood sugar has declined, less insulin is necessary. When less insulin is necessary, your pancreas is going to be able to calm down your adrenal glands are going to be this feels good, your mind is gonna say let's go have fun. And everything seems to work together, less insulin injections are needed less insulin pump is needed less incidents of you know having blood sugar problems that are imbalanced. 3. Improves the immune system. You're building up that defense, you're making it so it's a ready, it's available, no matter what comes along, your immune system says you're out of here, if it's something that's going to cause you harm. And so that's what we need, we need an immune system that's fighting for us. 4. It balances your hormones. Anytime we can balance hormones, we have better relationships, and you know what I'm talking about. So when we can get our hormones balanced, we sleep better, we have more energy, we wake up with more energy because our cortisol is balanced. We have the resilience when stress comes along. 5. It improves digestion. When we aren't eating the right foods, our digestion is affected negatively. So increasing your fiber to over 60 grams per day is best. You can start with 35 grams and then work your way up gradually. 6. It helps to remove toxins from our bodies. When toxins are removed, your body systems can now function more efficiently. 7. It improves mental health. And so that's exciting to understand that and we have more depression from food from our environment today more than ever, because we're so caught up in the regular processed foods. So these are the seven benefits for following the bible diet, and more specifically for reversing diabetes. I know you're excited about this and can't wait to just start adding these tips into your diet every day. ***** This content is strictly the opinion of Annette Reeder and is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. All viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Annette Reeder nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program. ***** Connect with Annette, your Biblical Health Coach! Facebook:   / thebiblicalnutritionist   Instagram:   / biblicalnutritionist   Pinterest:   / biblicalnutritionist   GoodReads:   / thebiblicalnutritionist   Shop my favorite gut health supplements: Use code 168612 for $10 off your order! Join my personal healthy living coaching group: My Nutrition Books: Recommended products for health and wellness: