The enemy has never had any record of good tidings he has always been inflicting pain and suffering on people. It has been recorded that whenever you give a devil a step he takes a hundred steps more, so it may be possible you gave the enemy a step and he has taken much more than you can ever think of, worry not today because whatever plan the enemy has over you will be released today in Jesus name Amen. The Bible says the plan God has for you and I are for good and not for evil to bring us to an expected end. The Lord expects that we will surely end well. The thing is the enemy will not just stand by and watch you fulfill the plans of God for your life so he tries to sow seeds of pain, troubles, and struggles. This he does to shift your attention from what God is doing and to focus solely on the enemy. Today I decree that the plans the enemy has against you shall be canceled. As Christians, we know Jesus has already defeated Satan for us (Colossians 2:15" And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it."), but that doesn’t mean Satan isn’t going to use certain strategies to try and trick us into believing otherwise. His strategies are intended to keep us defeated and to take everything that is rightfully ours. The devil is never resting during the time Jesus went on forty days fast when he left the wilderness he was tempted by the enemy I can assure you that whether you have just finished binding the devil today he can still come back to you today. that is the very reason you shouldn't be ignorant of the devil's devices. You may think everything is going normal with your life and no need to pray against the enemies plans but I want to tell you that the devil is not resting, the moment you don't have bad things happening to you that is the moment you should use to gather strength so that in the time of adversity, you will not be weak. The Bible knows that we are at war with the devil that is why it states in Ephesians 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Our battle to take the future into our hands is not a physical battle at all rather it is a spiritual battle. The plans the enemy has against you will not just be released without effort. We don’t always have people in our lives who can inspire us to follow our dreams. Fortunately, we can reflect on the wise words of others, and these ideas can serve as teachers that motivate us to chase after our goals and desires. You have to chase your dreams, no matter what. The impossible just takes a little longer. One stroke at a time, one step at a time, the impossible is easy to achieve. Please don't forget to subscribe,like and share to support us ➽An original production of Truly Transformed