English Grammar Lesson with Farukuzzaman - English Sentence Structure I

English Grammar Lesson with Farukuzzaman - English Sentence Structure I

Hi ! This is Farukuzzaman. Are you thinking of learning English confidently, the lesson has been designed for you. By watching the video on the channel without dragging, you will surely start picking up English like the English. thanks a million for those who have already subscribed. And those who have not subscribed to my channel, are being requested to hit the subscribe button without any delay. #theenglishadventurer #idiomsandphrases #farukteaching #EnglishLearning #Prepositions #advancedvocabulary #speakenglish#structureswithfarukuzzaman #Farukuzzaman #advancedvocabularies #spokenenglishwithfarukuzzaman #teadventurer #idiomsandphrases #prepositions #advancedvocabulary #Englishgrammartutorial #easystructure #essentialstructures #dailypracticestructure #spokenstructure #impotantstructuers #englishsentencestructure #Groupverbs #prepositionalPhrases#learnenglish #greetings #introducemyself #English #SpokenEnglish #DailyEnglish #Essentialstructure #verb #participles #gerund #infinitives #foryou #viral #participleswithfarukuzzaman #gerundwithfarukuzzaman #advancedstructurewithfarukuzzaman #Structure #sentencestructure #englishsentencestructure#Pronoun #ইংরেজি #languagelearning #advancedstructure #englishspeakingcourse #englishconversation #speakenglish #Englishgrammarlesson #greetings #introducemyself #learnenglish English Sentence Structure with Farukuzzaman I Advanced Sentence Structure with Farukuzzaman I #BanglaToEnglishSpeakingCourse #EnglishSpeakingCourseInBengali #SpokenEnglishCourseInBengali Feel like +[verb+ing] = “কোন কিছু করতে চাওয়া, ইচ্ছা করা - [to want to do or have something]” Have decided to +v-1 = “কোন কিছু করার সিদ্ধান্ত নিয়েছি , নেয়েছে, নিয়েছেন” – বুঝাতে Without +[v+ing] ------------------------------, 2nd sentence কোন কিছু না করে /না করিয়া / না করলে --------- , + ২য় বাক্য । By +[v+ing] ------------------------------, 2nd sentence কোন কিছু করে /করিয়া /করলে --------- , + ২য় বাক্য । --    • English Sentence Structures With Faru...      • English Sentence Structure l Spoken E...      • English Sentence Structure I Using 'W...      • Complex -Compound -Simple I Transform...      • English Sentence Structures - Part - ...      • Engish Senence Structure I  Using [Ve...      • Bare Infinitives I Uses of Bare Infin...      • "Same word with different meanings an...      • Right form of verbs I Subject -verb- ...   Link:    / @teadventurer   Learn English Grammar with Farukuzzaman Start learning with YouTube Sharpen your skills with Faruk Progress faster with your Farukuzzaman Advanced English Idioms for Daily Conversation Funny English Idioms and Their Meanings Idioms to Sound Like a Native English Speaker Advanced English Words, Phrases & Idioms for Everyday Conversations Advanced Idioms to Build Your Vocabulary Advance English Structures Advanced English Sentenes উন্নত ইংরেজি কাঠামো Advanced English Vocabulary for Fluent Speaking Advanced Words to Sound Smarter in English Advanced English Words You Need to Know in 2025 Advanced Vocabulary for IELTS, TOEFL, and Daily Conversation ENGLISH SENTENCE STRUCTURE RULES advanced vocabulary Practice PREPOSITIONS in English Advanced Grammar Lesson Advanced Idioms to Build Your Vocabulary Essential Advanced English Sentence Structure Advanced Idioms to Build Your Vocabulary Practice PREPOSITIONS in English Phrases & Idioms for Everyday Conversations English tenses English prepositions English conjunctions English articles English adverbs English adjectives English verbs English phrases Business English English Grammar English for beginners English grammar English pronunciation English vocabulary English speaking English listening English writing English conversation English idioms job English English idioms English slang English for business English for travel English for exams English for SSC Exam English for HSC Exam English Grammar Structure Language Learning Sentence structure Language learning Spoken English English Speaking Language Learning Sentence structure structure Language learning Spoken English English Speaking how to improve english speaking skills speak english fluently learn english how to learn english learn english with farukuzzaman how learn english speaking easily learning english with faruk how speak english fluently confidently how much time it takes to learn english fluently how to learn english in few days how to learn English in a month english speaking practice conversation english speaking practice speaking english like a pro how to learn english speaking easily how to improve english speaking skills learn to speak english how to speak proper english how to speak english fluently Link:    / @teadventurer