Stay WEED FREE with this simple PRE-EMERGENT schedule even when it does not work out just right!

Stay WEED FREE with this simple PRE-EMERGENT schedule even when it does not work out just right!

This video will provide you a simple pre-emergent schedule to keep your lawn weed free. However, sometimes that ideal schedule doesn't work out just right. I'll share what I do when it doesn't. I'll also share what has to happen before I'll apply pre-emergent to my grass during winter or early spring. As promised, here are some links to other pre-emergent videos:    • Stay weed free with this simple pre-e...      • Stay weed free with this simple pre-e...      • SKIP That Spring PRE-EMERGENT If... /...      • It’s not too late to prevent weeds. S...   You have to realize in lawn care that the "perfect" for someone else may not be the best for you. But after 7 years of experience taking care of my own lawn, I've found that Spectracide Weed Stop For Lawns Plus Crabgrass Preventer is my favorite. I have always had great results and have never once been sponsored by the company. I simply share what works with no strings attached. Appreciate ya watching. Hope you'll click around on the channel and check out some of the other videos. If you're looking for common sense, real-world, doable lawn care help, you've come to the right place! DIY lawn care tips from the average homeowner for the average homeowner looking to fix an ugly lawn or maintain a nice one. Whether you're a beginner or experienced, you'll learn ways to have the best yard on the block without spending a lot of money. If you want to hear a regular dude simply talk about what he's doing in his lawn...stay and subscribe. But... If you're here for an expert or an educated turf grass professional...leave. If you're wanting someone who's overly obsessed about his lawn like you are...leave. If you're here to find products to buy from affiliate links...leave. If you're wanting someone to hold you by the hand and tell you exactly what to do...leave. I'm a husband and dad who loves his family and his lawn. Gotta care for and manage a budget for both. #lawncare #lawncaretips #fixuglylawn #lawntips #diylawn #mowlawn #waterlawn #fertilizelawn #killweeds #preventweeds #weedfree #beginnerlawncaretips #bermudagrass #lawn #budgetlawns