St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas Episcopal Church Sunday, December 17, 2023 10:00 AMThe Holy Eucharist
St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas Episcopal Church Sunday, December 17, 2023 10:00 AM The Holy Eucharist You may also follow the service on your electronic devices by using the online booklet provided on our website, https://www.stlukeswa.church/ From our home page, scroll down to the black box labeled “Sunday 10AM Service Booklet”, in Adobe pdf format. Liturgical Ministers Officiant: The Rev Jesús Reyes Deacon & Preacher: The Rev. Lynette Poulton Kamakura Music Director: Jordan Nylander Lector: Santo Cavallaro Lay Eucharistic Minister: Melanie Kenya Altar Guild: Janet Butler Videographer: Bob Lawson, Len Bauhs Ushers: Kelly and Dena Cassidy Coffee Hour: Jamie Mathieu LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATEMENT We remember and honor the Indigenous people of North and South America, in particular the nations, whose land that we now occupy in this region was once their home, and it was taken from them or they were removed from it. We give thanks for them and express our gratitude for their witness on how to live a life that is honorable and humble. May we always remember that the Earth does not belong to us, that we belong to the Earth, and that we are all relatives in life. Help us to learn from our past mistakes and be instruments of justice and peace for all people in today’s world. We at St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas Episcopal Church acknowledge that we are on the unceded ancestral lands of the Chinook and Cowlitz people. A people that are still here, continuing to honor and bring to light their ancient heritage. 426 East Fourth Plain Boulevard Vancouver, WA 98663 (360) 696-0181 Email: [email protected] Licenses for music and lyrics OneLicense #A-710678