HOW TO MAKE THE WORLD RECORD PAPER AIRPLANE FOR DISTANCE @WELCOMETOMYDRAWINGDREAM 🔥😍🤩🥳🐯🐱🐵🙊🎯🎮👑🏆🙉🙈🐉🦖🥰😘RAJASEKHAR LINK / @rajasekharrajasekhar4895 GAME LINK / @rstsgame TO MY DRAWING DREAM LINK / @welcometomydrawingdream KING KONG MARVEL JUSTICE LEAGUE LINK / @godzillakingkongavengersjustic followers ME LINK https://www.instagram.com/rajasekhars... CHAT LINK https://sharechat.com/profile/rajasek... #rstsgame #welcometomydrawingdream #godzillakingkongmarveljusticeleague #rajasekharrajasekhar@WELCOMETOMYDRAWINGDREAM @GODZILLAKINGKONGAVENGERS-sn6uw @rajasekharrajasekhar4895 @RSTSGAME @rajasekharsadasivam9884 @RSGAMER-pv6yj @WELCOMETODRAWINGMYHOUSEW-fd3ko @GODZILLAKINGKONGAVENGERSJUSTIC KEYWORDS Subscribe for more amazing videos! ► https://bit.ly/33SNrhK ◄ WORLD RECORD PAPER PLANE In this video I'll show you how to fold the farthest flying paper airplane called Suzanne. The plane is designed by John Collins. You only need an A4 sheet of printer paper, so fold along! Tips: Fold sharp creases and make the plane symmetrical To make the airplane fly upwards, slightly curve the back of the wings upwards Watch the video in high quality (HD or 4K) Rewind or adjust the video speed in the settings if needed HIT THE LIKE BUTTON FOR GOOD LUCK MAKING THE AIRPLANES! Subscribe for more video's like this and let me know what video's you would like to see in the comments! / @ppoyt Watch more paper airplane videos: How To Make The WORLD RECORD paper airplane for Flight Time • WORLD RECORD Paper Airplane | BEST Or... How To Make 5 EASY Paper Airplanes that FLY FAR | PPO • How To Make 5 EASY Paper Airplanes th... To Make The WORLD RECORD PAPER AIRPLANE for Distancehow to make the world record paper airplane for flight time [email protected]😑🐄😔😋🤤🤫🐢🦕🐴,how to make the world record paper airplane for flight time,[email protected]😑🐄😔😋🤤🤫🐢🦕🐴,[email protected],😑🐄😔😋🤤🤫🐢🦕🐴how to make the world record paper airplane for flight time [email protected]😑🐄😔😋🤤🤫🐢🦕🐴,how to make the world record paper airplane for flight time,[email protected]😑🐄😔😋🤤🤫🐢🦕🐴,[email protected],😑🐄😔😋🤤🤫🐢🦕🐴how to make a paper airplane,how to make paper airplanes,paper plane,paper airplane,paper planes,paper airplanes,paper,plane,airplane,how to make,craft paper,paper crafts easy,paper aeroplane,origami easy,origami paper craft,how to make paper plane,easy origami,how to make paper,how to make origami,origami,paper planes channel,how to fold the paper plane,papers,airplane life360,origami paper planes,world record paper airplanehow to origami,how to make origami,how to make,paper origami,easy origami,origami,world record,paper airplane,ppo,mahir cave,paper planes,how to make a,how to make a paper airplane,fold,easy,step by step,tutorial,avion de papel,como hacer un avion de papel,best paper airplane,world record paper airplane,best paper airplane for distance,distance paper airplane,world record paper airplane distance,easy paper airplanehow to origami,how to make origami,how to make,paper origami,easy origami,origami,world record,paper airplane,ppo,mahir cave,paper planes,how to make a,how to make a paper airplane,fold,easy,step by step,tutorial,avion de papel,como hacer un avion de papel,best paper airplane,world record paper airplane,best paper airplane for distance,distance paper airplane,world record paper airplane distance,easy paper airplanehow to origami,how to make origami,how to make,paper origami,easy origami,origami,world record,paper airplane,ppo,mahir cave,paper planes,how to make a,how to make a paper airplane,fold,easy,step by step,tutorial,avion de papel,como hacer un avion de papel,best paper airplane,how to make paper airplanes,paper plane,paper airplanes,paper,plane,airplane,paper aeroplane,origami easy,paper art,how to make paper plane,how to make paperhow to origami,how to make origami,how to make,paper origami,easy origami,origami,world record,paper airplane,ppo,mahir cave,paper planes,how to make a,how to make a paper airplane,fold,easy,step by step,tutorial,avion de papel,como hacer un avion de papel,best paper airplane,how to make paper airplanes,paper plane,paper airplanes,paper,plane,airplane,paper aeroplane,origami easy,paper art,how to make paper plane,how to make paperhow to type th in word,how to write th in word,how to write th above the number,how to put th in date in word,how to write th in date in word,how to put th on date in word,how to write th above thehow to type th in word,how to write th inword,how to write th above the number,howTO