King Princess - Fantastic (Arcane 2) Karaoke Instrumental Lower Higher Male & Original Key
PLEASE, READ THIS DESCRIPTION CAREFULLY TO AVOID MISUNDERSTANDING! Thanks to my honorable friends for the donations (Patreon Gold Members): Charel Rossi: / charelrossi_music Hannah Griffiths: @hannahgriffithsmusic Anika Unique aka Kiana Smith: @anikaunique Poh Hein This version is the original key. Join my PATREON, only US $ 2 per month (+tax for some countries), and you'll get instant access to ALL 12 alternate key options, higher, lower, male, and female keys of ALL instrumentals on the KAK channel with HQ downloadable audio. All of those key options are transposed manually (not AI transposed), transposed one by one per instrument, drums and percussions are not transposed, so the quality is always maintained. Feel free to cancel your membership anytime you want. My Patreon: / karaokeallkeys 12 alternate keys of this particular instrumental: / king-princess-2-116907853 Some free 12 keys for you 😇: https://www.patreon.com/collection/51... Available on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/1nLtcY... https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0If... https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4LG... https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6E2... Available on Apple Music: / fantastic-karaoke-version-single Follow me on Anghami: https://play.anghami.com/artist/16730... King Princess Fantastic Arcane 2 Karaoke Instrumental Lower Higher Male Original Key Lyrics Cover Color Coded Backing Track Picture by: https://pixabay.com/id/illustrations/... #kingprincess #fantastic #arcane2 #karaoke