This Asian Man Swam the FASTEST 100m in Human History! 世界第一的百米飛魚  46.40秒 | #奧運 #olimpics #巴黎奧運

This Asian Man Swam the FASTEST 100m in Human History! 世界第一的百米飛魚 46.40秒 | #奧運 #olimpics #巴黎奧運

潘展樂,中國自由式的奇才 | 潘展樂以驚人的46.40秒成績打破了100公尺自由式的世界紀錄。這不僅讓他成為新的世界紀錄保持者,也是48年來100公尺自由式世界紀錄的最大降幅。憑藉著閃電般的起步和不可阻擋的衝刺,潘展樂將所有競爭對手遠遠甩在身後,讓這場比賽成為載入史冊的經典。他的傑出表現重新定義了人類在泳池中的速度極限,牢牢奠定了他在歷史上的地位。 Pan Zhanle, the sensation of Chinese freestyle swimming, shattered expectations and history by swimming the fastest 100m freestyle ever recorded, clocking in at a mind-blowing 46.40 seconds. This achievement not only secured him the world record but also marked the largest reduction in the 100m freestyle world record time in 48 years. With a lightning-fast start and an unstoppable drive, Pan left his competitors in his wake, making this a race that will be remembered for generations. His exceptional performance has redefined the limits of human speed in the pool, solidifying his place in history. 能拿幾塊🏅 #奥运会 ,#olimpic,#巴黎奥运,