Joel Prevents Ellie's Surgery and Saves Her | The Last of Us (Pedro Pascal)
Joel (Pedro Pascal) fights his way through the hospital, taking down Firefly soldiers and a resisting surgeon to rescue Ellie (Bella Ramsey), ultimately shooting Marlene to ensure their escape and protect Ellie from future threats. Season 1 Episode 09: "Look for the Light" WATCH The Last of Us NOW: https://bit.ly/WatchTheLastofUsonHBO 20 years after a pandemic has radically changed known civilization, infected humans run wild and survivors are killing each other for food, weapons; whatever they can get their hands on. Joel, a violent survivor, is hired to smuggle a 14-year-old girl, Ellie, out of an oppressive military quarantine zone, but what starts as a small job soon transforms into a brutal journey across the U.S. #TheLastOfUs #TLoU #CrimeCity #CrimeShow #BellaRamsay #PedroPascal